In Humans of KL

(Mike, founder of Mikey’s Pizza speaking) “Probably the first guy to walk around the house with a hoverboard too. I mean I even go on escalators with this thing. It’s easy for me to ‘think’ when I’m on it. Sometimes I just pace up and down my house, thinking, on this hoverboard. But basically it’s just easy for me to visit my shops and go through the mall. I get a lot of people looking at me, especially kids. Kids love it. And I have stairs to my house, and I want to build a ramp so I don’t have to walk you know what I mean? It just makes it very easy for me to come visit the shop from my office.

“Then how do you keep fit when you’re not even walking? 

“I workout everyday… I do a small workout, like a 110-150 BPM HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout in the morning everyday. And yes, I use the hoverboard to go to the gym”. 

– Humans of Kuala Lumpur

Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa

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(This post was first published on August 25th 2016)

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