I came to this school based on my previous school’s recommendation. I lived in Penang. Although there is a vocational school in Penang, that school didn’t have the field I wanted to study. I wanted to study a motor course. But when I came, there were so many other students who wanted to study this too. I figured that I would be able to learn about motors myself, and learn how to build furniture instead. Since I was younger, I liked to build things. I’m now able to build my own furniture, such as a desk and a chair.
When I first came to this school, I found it difficult to adjust to live with others in the hostel. I wasn’t used to the environment, and there is also a routine as well. We have to wake up early, we have to sleep early too.
I have witnessed others being bullied. Usually the weaker kids are the ones that get picked on. There was this one bully in class that picked on the weaker kids, forcing them to fill up his water or smacking them a bit. Students who are deaf or mute were also teased in front of others. For such a situation, I would advise them to ask help from the teachers. If the bullies call you, try to ignore them.
I’m grateful for the teachers in this school, because they are so patient despite needing to repeat what they taught us over and over. In making friends, it gets difficult sometimes because we don’t know friends as well as we know our family. If both friends have a similar wavelength, it’s easier to get along. If they are unable to compromise or meet in the middle, it’ll be difficult to be friends.
Bullying is not good behavior, but we can’t control what others do. I hope bullies will think more about what they are really doing. I hope they realise it’s wrong and they will repent.
To those that are getting bullied, I hope they will continue to be patient. Although we shouldn’t be fighting back, we should stand up for ourselves if we need to. If we don’t, these bullies will think that their actions are accepted and normal.
Bahasa Malaysia
Saya datang ke sekolah sebab sekolah lama saya yang memberi recommendation. Saya berasal dari Penang. Walaupun terdapat sekolah vokasional di Penang, sekolah itu tiada bidang yang saya nak belajar. Mula-mula saya hendak belajar kursus motor. Tetapi semasa saya datang, terlalu banyak orang pun nak belajar kursus ini. Saya berfikir saya boleh belajar tentang motor sendiri. Sekarang saya belajar kursus perabut. Sejak kecil lagi, saya minat membina barang. Saya boleh membina perabut sendiri seperti kerusi dan meja.
Semasa saya baru datang ke sekolah ini, ia lebih susah untuk hidup bersama orang lain di asrama. Saya tak biasa tinggal dalam keadaan ini kerana ada rutin. Kami mesti bangun awal, tidur awal.
Saya pernah melihat kes buli di sekolah. Selalunya budak lemah yang kena dibuli. Terdapat seorang nakal di kelas yang akan membuli orang yang lemah saja. Contohnya, dia mengarah mereka untuk mengiisi air dalam botolnya, ada memukul sedikit. Murid-murid yang pekak atau bisu pun diejek di hadapan orang lain.
Dalam situasi seperti ini, saya akan nasihat mereka untuk memberitahu cikgu. Jika pembuli-pembuli panggil kamu, cuba membuat tak tahu saja.
Saya sangat bersyukur untuk cikgu-cikgu di sekolah ini kerana mereka bersabar mengulang balik apa yang mereka mengajar kita. Untuk kawan-kawan, ia susah sikit membuat kawan kerana kami tak tahu kawan sama seperti kami tahu keluarga kita. Jika kedua-dua kawan ada perangai yang serupa, itu baik. Tetapi jika pendapat kami tidak boleh ditemu, ia lebih susah.
Membuli bukan elok, tetapi kami tidak boleh tutup mulut mereka. Saya harap mereka lebih berfikir tentang apa yang mereka sedang buat, dan menyedari ia itu salah.
Kepada orang lain yang dibuli, saya harap mereka bersabar. Walaupun kami harus jangan lawan balik, kami mesti bercakap untuk diri sendiri. Jika kami tidak, pembuli-pembuli akan merasa perlakuan mereka adalah biasa.