In Arts, music

My name is Laxshna Raj, and I’m an 18-year-old singer-songwriter from Kuala Lumpur. Music has been my passion and my outlet for as long as I can remember. Even as a full-time student, I make time to pursue my dreams, because this is what truly makes me feel alive.

It all started when I was just 13 or 14 years old. I picked up a guitar and started pouring my heart into songwriting. At first, it was just a hobby, a way to express myself. But over time, it became so much more than that. Music became my life, my entire world.

Of course, it hasn’t been an easy journey. Balancing my studies and my musical aspirations has been a constant challenge. There have been times when I’ve felt overwhelmed, retreating into my own little world, being my own harshest critic. But I know that this is my dream, and I can’t let anything hold me back.

That’s why I decided to take a big leap and perform at Short + Sweet this year – my very first time at the event. I had heard about it from a friend a couple of years ago, but life got in the way and I couldn’t make it. This year, I knew I had to go for it. Even though I had performed at smaller events and competitions before, this was something new and exciting.

When I took the stage, I was nervous, of course. But as soon as I started singing my self-written song, “Love from My Life,” something clicked. This song, which I had written two years ago, holds a special place in my heart. It’s about finding closure, about moving on from a crush who didn’t feel the same way. Writing that song was like a cathartic release for me, a way to process those complex emotions.

And as I stood there, pouring my heart into the lyrics, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. This was my moment to share my story, my passion, with the world. The crowd may have been a bit more subdued than the previous day’s performance, but that didn’t matter to me. I was in my element, doing what I love most.

You see, music has always been my way of expressing myself, of making sense of the world around me. When I was 14 or 15, I wrote another song called “My Little Dreamer,” which was about dealing with hard times and losing friends. It was a way for me to process those feelings of being enclosed in my own mind, of wondering what happened to that bright, outgoing girl I used to be.

And then there’s “Loverboy,” a more upbeat, pop-inspired track that I wrote about someone special. I won’t disclose who that someone is, but the song is all about the joys and complexities of young love.

Music has been my constant companion, my way of finding closure and understanding myself better. And it’s not just about the songs I write – it’s about the entire journey, the emotional rollercoaster that comes with pursuing your passion.

You see, I was diagnosed with vitiligo, a skin condition that causes the loss of pigment, when I was just 6 years old. For years, I tried different medications, but nothing seemed to work. Until one day, I just decided to embrace it. This is who I am, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I know that as time goes on, my skin will continue to change, becoming more and more white. But that doesn’t bother me. In fact, I see it as a part of what makes me unique. I’m not trying to fit into some societal beauty standard – I’m just being me, and that’s enough.

And that’s the message I want to share with others. Don’t try to change who you are to fit in. Embrace your uniqueness, your flaws, your passions. Because that’s what makes you beautiful, inside and out.

I may be a musician first, but I’m also a daughter, a friend, and a person with a story to tell. And I’m not going to let anything hold me back from chasing my dreams. Sure, it’s been tough, balancing everything and being my own worst critic. But I know that if I keep pushing forward, if I keep pouring my heart into my music, I can achieve anything.

That’s why I finally took the leap and started sharing my songs on YouTube. It was a moment of pure emotion for me, a weight lifted off my shoulders. My parents had been encouraging me to do it for so long,

-Humans of Kuala Lumpur

Laxshna just performed her first show ever at the SHORT+SWEET FESTIVAL held at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC). The festival is still ongoing, check it out at

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