In Humans of KL

“I didn’t like it, but eventually it was the only thing I was great at. And people think tailoring is easy, but its not like mechanical engineering where skills only mattered – there’s an art to it, the way your stitches are woven into the fabric.”


“Saya jadi tukang jahit sejak 16 tahun lagi. Ayah saya pun tukang jahit juga, dan dia suruh saya jadi tukang jahit. Mula-mula saya tak suka, tapi lama-lama itu je yang saya pandai buat. Orang selalu ingat menjahit ni senang, tapi ia bukan macam kejuruteraan mekanikal dimana hanya kemahiran yang diperlukan – tapi ada kesenian disebaliknya, seperti cara jahitan ditenun menjadi kain dan kemasannya.”

Seen at PPR Lembah Pantai

– Humans of Kuala Lumpur

Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa

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(This post was first published on May 5th 2018)

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