Repost from @tz.n9 – 21/10/18 A lovely morning showing my great-aunt Tunku Shahariah around @jalanmerdeka
7-10. Also extended at Seri Negara are @raja_ihsan’s Photographs of August 1957 by the fourth Agong Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin Shah and @thehumansofkl, which features the chauffeur of both Tuanku Abdul Rahman and Sultan Ismail, the grandfather of @thehumansofkl founder @mushamir.mustafa

Here’s a great story of the Negeri Sembilan Prince Tunku Zain who came over the Humans of KL exhibition. Humans of KL founder Mushamir Mustafa found out that the Tunku’s grandfather (the 1st King of Malaysia) and Mushamir’s grandfather (the personal driver for the first 4 Kings of Malaysia) were together 60 years ago during his reign, after reading a Humans of KL story I wrote about my grandfather’s past. It’s great to see that 60 years on, their grandchilds meet again! What a circumstance!

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(This post was first published on October 21st 2018)