(2/2) “I have had cases where my cleaners were verbally abused, just because they missed a spot. They were called useless, trash, and all sorts of names.
I’ve had cleaners coming back to me crying because she got 1-star rating from the customer, from using our app Maideasy, where we match cleaning service providers with those looking to have their house professionally cleaned. The next day she terus demam (got sick) !
I’ve had customers calling me up and saying, ‘You tau tak i ni siapa? I ni Datin tau!’ (Do you know who I am? I’m a Datin!). Another customer said, ‘the cleaner and myself live in two different worlds, we just don’t have the same values.’
We shouldn’t say those things. Most of the time, the cleaners are just doing their best, and they want to earn an honest income.
When we are training the cleaners in how to do housekeeping, we also try to teach them to look at life differently, to not let a dirty job define you. Don’t feel like you are less important than an office executive just because you are a cleaner.
Our cleaners really need the money that they get from MaidEasy. Some of them have been with us from the beginning, so that’s three years. We can see how they use the money for rent, send their kids to school, and things like that. They share with us how this job have given them some stability in their life, it does make me happy.
It makes me feel like I have made a difference in their life. More than just making money. Business is just business, but when I feel like I’ve done something to change someone’s life, and bring a positive impact to the community, it feels really good.
I joined the e@Stanford programme under theMalaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre(MaGIC), and we visited the United States and Silicon Valley. It was very eye-opening. Everything in America, especially in the Silicon Valley, is in the billions. They think big, everyone there wants to change the world.
In Malaysia, it is happening too, but on a smaller scale. That doesn’t mean you are less capable than them, it just means you are solving problems closer to your vicinity.
With age, I have come to the mindset that it does not matter how big or small is the things that you do. As long as you are happy doing what you do, and it pays the bills, anything more than that it is a bonus. It’s what’s true, to you”.
Humans of Kuala Lumpur is partnering with Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC) in featuring inspiring and impact-driven entrepreneurs, problem solvers and startups in their mission to solve Malaysia’s problems!#HumansofMaGIC
Photostory by Amalina Davis
Edited by Mushamir Mustafa
Do you have a story? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/ht4HsvbxgSgcKS5h8
(This post was first published on August 20th 2018)