“Eventually, I studied accounting in Melbourne through a twinning program. Going there was difficult, especially in a time. when there was no internet, making it hard to stay in touch with everyone back home, but I managed.
Despite all the hurdles- like the difficulty I had switching from a Malay to English syllabus- I got my degree and became a chartered accountant.
Now, my daughter has started college, far from home like I was, and I come out to visit her sometimes. She’s studying something she chose herself, though I’m not sure if she’s any more confident about what she’s doing than I was.
I’ve told her that she should study what she likes so she can get a job that she likes. A job that you have an interest in is the most important thing. It’s even better than a job that pays more. When you don’t love what you do, then no matter how much you get paid, you won’t be happy.
That’s the advice I give my daughter. I know it’s not common in my culture to unconditionally support your children’s passions, but I want to. I will support her in whatever field she’s passionate about going into”.
Photostory by Sofia Irfan and Mushamir Mustafa
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(This post was first published on June 30th 2018)