“Because I didn’t know my own power to do the things that I loved. I didn’t know how to follow what I loved doing. I was afraid, and I wasn’t using my creative abilities. I believe when you are not inspired daily, not using your creative gifts, you begin to destroy yourself because that needs to be expressed. I always looked outside for validation, fulfillment and intimacy. I mixed with the wrong guys, and had an experience in my childhood where I felt like I was abandoned by my father. So I kept playing out that same thing with all my relationships with men, where I would be with men where I would feel unloved, or not important enough. When I understood why that was happening and what to do about it, that changed. A lot of my unhappiness was around wanting the love that I couldn’t give myself in the relationships with men that I had. Of course I was looking outside for it everywhere – when what I needed was to look inside”.
Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa
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(This post was first published on October 6th 2016)