(Part 2/2) ‘I just need RM500 – RM600 a month, despite earning ten times that and spending it all without saving anything previously at a full time job. And now, getting just RM700 a month, I manage to actually save!
‘And thank god I don’t have much financial commitments, besides the RM400 monthly payment for my Perodua Axia.
‘I have just been getting so much freelance writing jobs from from different companies and am still freelancing with my previous employer!
‘With one freelance story, it really helps cover my phone bill, my car and with the RM700 token sum that’s all I really need, I don’t need anything else. I also get a lot of invitations to write food reviews and if not that, I just eat simply at home.
‘Can you imagine what kind of lifestyle I was living before and how much quitting my job really changed me?
‘I would say go for it… quit. If you’re not happy, there’s no point staying (at your job) and ask yourself what life lessons are you learning?
‘It came to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore and I just have to quit. I don’t care if there’s no money tomorrow I just need to get out today!
‘Some people might think I am selfish, I might agree with them, but life has their own way of working things out.
‘I do get some token sum, but the token sum is something that I was just given. Not something I asked for.
‘Somehow, I feel like this is the right way for me to serve and I am really using my expertise (media contacts, writing, marketing skill) to help BLESS.
‘When you are serving God, you will be blessed. You will be richly rewarded for your service and it’s just something that I have wanted to do too since young − to serve.’
(Do like the Bless Shop page athttp://www.facebook.com/blessshopsibkl ) — withSarah Voon.
Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa
Do you have a story? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/ht4HsvbxgSgcKS5h8
(This post was first published on June 6th 2016)