(2/2) “Before, this playground was broken down, and the kids just played anyways and risked being hurt. Now the PPR condominiums have a brand new paint job because of the elections.
Also, the elevator hasn’t been working for so long, so we have to take the stairs all the way from the 17th floor. We were provided with Chinese-branded elevator brands which breaks down easily – and these lifts are shaking, falling down, and getting stuck. Its a simple thing, but it affects our standard of living here at PPR.
To be clear, Malaysia’s political system doesn’t work and must be changed. Whether its the Opposition or Government, they are all the same, but I hope that someone can look into our problems here.
Its a good thing that you guys (Humans of KL) come to places like this and write our stories out.”
(2/2) “Biasalah orang-orang politik ni – bila dah dekat dengan pilihan raya, masa itulah nak cat rumah, nak lawat rakyat, nak buat taman permainan baru. Kalau tak, taman permainan ni dibiarkan je rosak macam tu, budak-budak yang datang main pun terdedah dengan bahaya. Sekarang PPR ni dapat cat baru sebab pilihan raya.
Lif di sini dah lama rosak, kami terpaksa gunakan tangga untuk naik sampai ke tingkat 17. Kami diberi lif dari China yang bermasalah – lif goyang, cepat rosak dan selalu tersangkut. Nampak macam isu remeh, tapi sangat bagi kesan dalam kehidupan seharian kami di PPR ini.
Sebenarnya politik Malaysia ni tak jalan pun dan perlu diubah. Tak kiralah pembangkang atau kerajaan, dua-dua sama je, tapi saya sangat berharap ada orang yang dapat ambil peduli masalah kami di sini.
Kami sangat bersyukur kamu (Humans of KL) datang tempat macam ni dan tulis cerita kami.”
*The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the interviewees and do not reflect the official policy or position of Humans of Kuala Lumpur.
Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa and Amalina Davis
Translated by Khairul Ridhwan
Do you have a story? Let us know here: https://forms.gle/ht4HsvbxgSgcKS5h8

(This post was first published on May 3rd 2018)